Vision: A Marketplace & Social Hub for Martinsburg

We envision transforming what is formally known as the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Martinsburg Shops into a vibrant marketplace, social and recreational hub for Martinsburg, hosting historic edu-tainment attractions and community events, including concerts, trade shows, exhibits and other public activities,
Masterplan Overview:
Bridge and Machine Shop: Upper (2nd) floor is to be made available for public and private use as an event center and gathering space for various activities, such as conferences, receptions and festivities.
First floor of building to house year-round marketplace, with year-round tenants, including a restaurant and retail modeled after Capitol Market in Charleston, W.Va. (Facility would complement neighboring outdoor seasonal farmers market pavilion behind building in former Car Shop structure - see entry below).
The intended target for potential 1st Floor tenants would be shops that are compatible with the heritage atmosphere of the facility and supportive of efforts to combat Food Desert of neighboring residential areas.
Car Shop: The structure is envisioned to be used as an outdoor seasonal market venue with support space.
East Roundhouse Ruins: Envisioned as an amphitheater performance venue for community activities.
Frog and Switch Shop: Building to be house multi-purpose space for various public and private events, including concerts, and other entertainment activities. Rear portion of the building, the Blacksmith Shop, is to be dedicated to museum space.
West Roundhouse: Building is to be maintained for tours and other heritage education activities and continue to be available as a special events venue. Circa-1925 B&O caboose expected to be fully restored for reuse in railroad heritage interpretation, including envisioned plan to preserve the history of the function of what is now West Virginia's 16th National Historic Landmark.